Use reports to understand how your resources are utilized. You can see trends in usage patterns and opportunities to maximize your Amplitude investment.
You can view usage reports on the team or user level. You can filter a particular product by date, and choose to only show specific or total usage.
Detailed usage reporting helps you keep track of the individual software assignments. For instance, if find that a person has not been using software because due to lack of training, you can rearrange licensing assignments for software to accommodate their needs. This data also helps you to ensure that your team complies to the licensing policies that have been agreed upon and guidelines.
For Gale products, you can view COUNTER tabular reports on the Gale Usage Reports portal available through Gale Admin and the Gale Usage Dashboard. Gale also provides new COUNTER 5 reports that start with January 2019 usage. For definitions of metrics and other terms that appear on these reports, refer to the Glossary of Usage Terms.
A single monthly rollup usage report is delivered for each project on a daily basis and is updated each day with new information that reflect the month’s usage of the resource to the point at which it was created. In addition to the monthly rollup reports, you can create daily usage reports for any project at any time by clicking Generate Report. These reports are comma-separated value (CSV) files that can be downloaded to your computer.